The Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic has caused India and many parts of the world to go on extended lockdowns. Staying indoors for a prolonged period is essential to flatten the curve of the spread of COVID-19. But this means confining ourselves to the four walls of our homes and not be able to meet our friends, colleagues or step out for a breather. Pulling this off is no mean feat as we'll not be allowed to do what we need to do most as social beings, i.e. SOCIALISE.

We understand that this is a difficult time for us all. But we're all in this together. To keep your spirits high during this grim time we have a whole bunch of activities lined up for you that will keep you happy and healthy. After all, “Your Health is your Asli Wealth”.

Keep watching this space for interactive live sessions by doctors, well-known dance, Yoga, Zumba and kickboxing instructors, financial advisors and life coaches. Let us help you step on the brighter side as we all are locked down.

Stay Home, Stay Safe and Lock In Good Habits.

Stay Safe by being armed with the Right Information

Everything you need to know about CORONAVIRUS