
Rumours spread faster than viruses. Educate yourself on matters of the novel coronavirus and protect yourself from it by knowing myth from fact.

  • Myth: I need not wash my hands with soap every time. Drying my hands with a hand dryer will do the job too.

    Fact: No. A hand dryer is not a replacement for soap. You can either use an alcohol-based hand rub or use regular soap to wash your hands. Once you clean your hands, you should dry them thoroughly using paper towels or a warm air dryer.

  • Myth: If I expose myself to ultraviolet disinfection lamps, they will be able to kill the new coronavirus.

    Fact: UV lamps should not be used to sterilize hands and other areas of skin as they can cause skin irritation.

  • Myth: Vaccines against pneumonia can protect me from the new coronavirus.

    Fact: No. Vaccines against pneumonia will not protect you against the new coronavirus.

  • Myth: Eating garlic can protect me from getting the new coronavirus.

    Fact: No. Garlic will certainly enhance the flavour of your food, but it will not save you from getting infected by the new coronavirus.

  • Myth: Putting on sesame seed oil will block the new coronavirus from entering my body.

    Fact: No. Sesame seed oil does not kill the new coronavirus and will not block the virus from entering your body.

  • Myth: I am young, and hence I will not be infected by the new coronavirus.

    Fact: No. You can get infected by the new coronavirus regardless of your age. However, older people and people suffering from asthma, diabetes and heart disease are more likely to become severely ill due to the virus.

  • Myth: Antibiotics will help me in case I get infected by the new coronavirus.

    Fact: No. Antibiotics are not effective in treating the new coronavirus.

  • Myth: There is specific medication available to treat the new coronavirus.

    Fact: As of 5th March 2020, there is no specific medication available to treat the new coronavirus.

Source: https://www.who.int/