A simple and affordable Cancer protection plan for all stages.
Future Generali India Life Insurance Company Limited (FGILI), a joint venture between Future Group - the leading retailer of India and Assicurazioni Generali - a global insurance group and one of the world’s 50 largest companies, today announced the launch of Future Generali Cancer Protect, a comprehensive and easy to buy insurance plan that provides complete financial security for all stages of Cancer (Minor or Major). This is an extremely affordable plan which covers the customer upto 80 years of age and covers minor lives too.
Entry Age (as on last birthday)
Premium Payment Frequency & Policy Term:
Regular Premium - 5 years
Single Premium
Sum Assured - Rs. 10 lakhs, Rs. 20 lakhs, Rs. 30 lakhs and Rs. 40 lakhs
Premium Payment Mode - Two options - Regular premium (Annual or Monthly modes) OR Single Premium
The plan is available for sale across all distribution channels and online through the web portal.
On the occassion of the launch, Mr. Munish Sharda, Managing Director & CEO, Future Generali Life Insurance said, “Cancer incidences are on a rise in India, and with over 200 different kinds of Cancer, this disease can be debilitating for the family emotionally as well as financially. Medical advancements today have improved the survival rate tremendously; however, cost of medical expenses to fight Cancer continues to be a huge burden on the family’s finances. The Future Generali Cancer Protect Plan takes complexity out of buying the product and aims to help our customers secure themselves and their families financially through a simple process, with no medical examinations at a highly affordable cost. Thus ensuring that their personal savings and linked dreams don’t get impacted. This is in line with our efforts of providing straightforward and transparent products that deliver value to our customers.”
For more information, please visit https://life.futuregenerali.in/products/health-plans/future-generali-cancer-protect-plan