Future Generali

Grievance Redressal and Contact Information

At Future Generali India Life Insurance, we demonstrate customer-centricity in everything we do. Our customers are our valued stakeholders, whose satisfaction is our foremost agenda. The Head Office and each Branch Office of the company have a well-defined process of receiving and registering grievances. We encourage our customers to report to us any issue or grievance that they face regarding their policies or dealings with us.

Step 1: Raising the issue or Grievance

Our helpline is always the first number to call if you have any request, concern, comment or feedback. We can be reached through the below touchpoints:

  • • Calling the Customer helpline number 1800-102-2355 for assistance and guidance

  • • Emailing @ care@futuregenerali.in

  • • Senior citizens may write to us at the following id: senior.citizens@futuregenerali.in for priority assistance

  • • You may also visit us at the nearest Branch Office
    Branch locator - https://life.futuregenerali.in/branch-locator/

  • • Write to us
    Customer Services Department
    Future Generali India Insurance Co. Ltd,
    Unit 801 and 802, 8 th floor, Tower C,
    Embassy 247 Park, L.B.S Marg, Vikhroli ( W )
    Mumbai – 400083

Step 2: Grievance acknowledgement and resolution

Grievance acknowledgement: On receipt of a Grievance, the Company shall first assess it based on its merits and nature. Thereafter, the Company shall send an acknowledgement, through SMS or email, to the customer immediately upon registration of the Grievance.

Grievance resolution: The Company shall resolve the Grievance within 14 days from registration and each redressal or rejection of the issue shall be conveyed via email or letter, along with reasons. Such communication shall also inform the Complainant about how the customer can pursue the Grievance, if he/she is dissatisfied with the resolution provided.

Process of escalation:
Level Name Contact Details Response Time
Level 1 Grievance Redressal team care@futuregenerali.in 3 days
Level 2 Mr. Suvid Gandhe escalated.complaints@futuregenerali.in 3 days
Level 3 Mr. Daivit Mehta (GRO) gro@futuregenerali.in 3 days

Click here to find the contact details of the Nodal officer/ Grievance Redressal officer near you.

Step 3: Further escalation

After following Steps 1 and 2, if you are still dissatisfied with the decision/resolution to the complaint provided by our GRO, you may approach IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) or to the Insurance Ombudsman of your region as per the below details

  1. 1. IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) -
    You can register your complaint with IRDAI online at: http://www.igms.irda.gov.in.

Toll Free Number: 155255 / 1800 425 4732

  1. 2. Insurance Ombudsman: The Insurance Ombudsman is an organization that addresses grievances that are not settled to customer's satisfaction.

Click here to find the contact details of the Insurance Ombudsman Office near you.

FGILIC Policy on Protection of Policyholder’s Interest and Grievance Redressal.