Is Guaranteed Life Insurance Worth It?

Life insurance is a hot topic of discussion. There are so many different insurance products floating around that it is hard to know which one to choose. Some of the options that financial advisers pitch to us or that we see in a newspaper, magazine, or online appear to offer a good return. But what if they are not as good as they seem and we end up losing our hard-earned money? Let’s look at how Guaranteed Life Insurance works, why you might need one of these plans and where you can find them.

What are Guaranteed Life Insurance Plans?

Guaranteed Life Insurance plans, often known as Traditional Insurance Plans, promise a guaranteed benefit pay out upon death or after the plan's maturity. Participating and non-participating plans are the two types of plans available.

Plans that promise a bonus pay out are known as participating plans. The bonus is determined by the company's earnings for the fiscal year and changes according to the company's success. Bonuses are not given to non-participating plans.

Some plans additionally claim guaranteed additions and loyalty additions. These benefits can be accumulated in either a participating or non-participating plan. Loyalty additions are added after a specific period has expired, whereas Guaranteed Additions are added every year for a specific tenure.

What type of Plans Are Available?

Endowment and money-back plans are two types of Guaranteed Benefit plans. While endowment plans pay out a flat sum at maturity, money back plans pay out in instalments for greater liquidity. Monthly Income plans, which are Endowment-style plans that provide a consistent stream of monthly income either after maturity or death, are a novel version on the market today. You must decide whether or not to take these assured life insurance products into consideration.

Why Should You Consider Guaranteed Life Insurance Plans?

Guaranteed Returns: While a low return is a disadvantage, the plans do offer a guaranteed return, which is beneficial for individuals who are risk averse and want to be sure of their investments.

Tax Benefits: The proceeds from these life insurance policies are tax-free, and the insured will get the entire sum when the policy matures.

Guaranteed life insurance plans are ideal for investors who prefer stability to volatility and want to see a set amount credited to their bank accounts after a set period of time.

Disciplines the Investor: Although these plans are heavily criticised for having a longer holding term, they actually assist you in developing a saving habit by virtue of their longer term. By paying a premium for a longer term, you are able to save regularly for an extended period of time, resulting in a healthy corpus.

For whom does this plan work?

Investors with a low-risk appetite, a long-term horizon, no desire for volatility, and a desire to know the prospective profits up-front can invest in these Guaranteed Life Insurance plans.


Purchasing a life insurance policy can be a very personal decision. It is one that requires a great deal of research and careful consideration of all the information available to you. However, it is an investment that can bring peace of mind and a sense of security to you and your family. If you still want to know if guaranteed life insurance is worth it, you can speak to experts at Future Generali India Life Insurance Company.