The basic key to financial prosperity is timely savings. Which is why making efforts and finding out ways to save your hard-earned money is essential. One such way to save money is utilising various income tax saving investments to reduce the significant burden of taxes that befalls every year. There are many prudent options like term insurance, child plans, pension plans, ULIPs and many others that can help you in reducing your taxes.
You can easily buy these instruments right here at Future Generali Life Insurance. Our vast range of products and simplified solutions for customers help them to get the best value for their money. Our tax-saving product portfolio includes:
Term Plans
All the wealth you build over-time is for your family’s stable future. A term plan helps you in stabilising their future financially even after you are gone. With features such as monthly income payout option, death benefit, riders, and tax-saving, a term plan is a must for everyone. You can claim for tax deductions for the premiums paid under Section 80C. Moreover, the death benefit paid to your beneficiary will also be exempted from taxation. There are a variety of term plans offered by Future Generali, some of them are:
- Care Plus
- Saral Jeevan Bima
Investment Plans
Investment plans or ULIPs are the plans which provide you with the benefits of market-linked returns along with a life cover. You have an option to choose and switch funds in these plans based on your risk appetite, and you can partially withdraw an amount in case of emergencies. Money invested in ULIPs can be claimed for deduction under Section 80C up to Rs. 1,50,000. Maturity benefits available in ULIPs are also exempted from taxes under Section 10D if the premiums paid are less than 10 percent of the sum assured. Some of the ULIP plans offered here are:
- Dhan Vridhi Plan
- Big Dreams Plan
- Bima Advantage Plus
Child Plans
You always want the best for your child, be it lifestyle or future education. You want them to get admission in the best colleges and universities. However, the barrier that stands in the way is the high education fees of these colleges. By buying a child plan, you can easily secure the finances that your child might require in the future. Investments in child plans are also eligible for tax deductions under Section(s) 80C and 10D. We offer the following child plan:
- Assured Education Plan
Retirement Plans
Retirement plans are not just investment plans that help you after you retire, but they are also great tax saving instruments. Investments in retirement plans are exempted from taxes under Section(s) 80C, 80CCC, 80CCD. You can easily avail a combined deduction of Rs. 1,50,000 under these sections. Our pension plans include:
- Saral Pension Plan
At Future Generali, you get a plethora of tax saving investment options. All our plans are personalized according to the needs of our customers. Moreover, in every plan, you get value for your money and tax benefits that can help you in reducing your income tax liability. So, what are you waiting for? Visit our site and start investing to secure your future and save money.