The Novel Coronavirus has brought about a lifestyle change. Work From Home, sanitizing hands, social distancing, etc. are all becoming new norms. It is changing the idea of what is considered normal for us. Yet there are some more changes that we need to bring in our routine to stay safe from the coronavirus. There are particular objects that we come in contact with daily such as lift/elevator buttons, door handles, common passage surface etc. that have been touched by many people. As the virus spreads through droplets, we can come in contact with them if they’re present on these objects. At this point, every contact with the outside world is potentially risky, so it best to practice caution. Below are ten ways through which you can stay safe.
1.Wash Milk Packets, Fruits and Vegetables
Wash milk packets, fruits and vegetables the moment you get them inside your homes. These foods come in contact with multiple people and can be carrying the virus. Hence it is advisable to wash them as soon as you get them home. Simultaneously, wash your hands.
2.Avoid Stepping Out Unnecessarily
Avoid stepping out unless it is an absolute must for things such as buying essentials or in case of an emergency. Even once the lockdown period is over, it is best to avoid crowds. In case, commuting is an absolute must, try using alternative commute ways through which you can come in contact with fewer people. Avoid public transport like crowded buses and trains.
3.Basket/Tray For Parcels
Keep a separate tray/basket for couriers outside your house. It is advisable not to touch the delivered goods for at least 24 hours, provided they’re non-perishable. And in case they’re perishable, bring them indoors, but wash them thoroughly. Dispose of the packaging and sanitize hands immediately after unpacking the parcel.
4.Disinfect Your Daily Use Items
Every day objects like TV/AC remote, mobile phone, keyboard and mouse are the most contaminated elements in the house. Clean them at least once a day using a disinfectant fluid.
5.Wash Your Hands
The basics remain the same, keep washing your hands regularly and don’t touch your face before you have sanitized your hands thoroughly.
6.Do Not Visit Neighbours
We don’t get a chance to socialize because of the lockdown. It seems very easy to get our dose of socializing by visiting neighbours. However, it is advisable not to do so. The virus spreads when you come in contact with others, so flatten the curve and stay indoors.
7.Keep A Fixed Pair Of Clothing For Stepping Down
Keep a separate pair of clothing for stepping out; this will stop you from unnecessarily rummaging through the clothes in your cupboard and also prevent many clothes from getting potentially contaminated. After every visit, wash the pair of clothes and don’t forget to add disinfectant while cleaning it.
8.Do Not Step Out For A Stroll Or For Fresh Air
It is very tempting to step out as the roads are empty, and there are hardly any people downstairs. But avoid it altogether, because the chances of the virus spreading increases every time you step down. Children, youth or senior citizens should all equally avoid going out of the house.
9.Avoid Exchanging Currency Notes or Coins
Currency notes and coins reach us after being handed down to many people. They are hotspots for the coronavirus. Use digital modes of payment wherever possible. And wash your hands thoroughly after having held currency notes or coins.
10.Avoid Using Fingers to Press Buttons
Use your elbow to press elevator buttons. Carry a toothpick while pressing buttons on an ATM. And do not touch your face once you have contacted these surfaces unless you have cleaned your hands.
Follow these simple tips to keep yourself, and your family protected from getting infected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).