It is important to protect your life insurance policy from any unscrupulous/unauthorised elements posing as company representatives. Here are a few do's and don'ts that will guide you in safeguarding your policy.
- Check identification/licence
Only speak to authorised representatives of the life insurance company. Ensure you check their identification card or licence.
- Evaluate the different policy options
It is essential to identify your requirements and make an informed decision while buying a policy that meets your needs.
- Understand the policy
Ensure that you have understood all the details explained by your advisor before signing the form.
- Review the policy at regular intervals
Reviewing your coverage periodically is a must. You can make amendments as per the circumstances.
- Be clear
It is important to state facts especially about medical history to avoid any dispute during claim.
- Don't respond to hoax messages and calls
Do not respond to any messages or calls from unauthorised entities claiming to be IRDA, RBI or Government officials. You may receive lucrative offers that promise opportunities to cash in on benefits or provide higher returns from your existing policy. Check with your life insurance company before accepting such offers.
- Don't take a hasty decision
Surrendering or cancelling a policy should be a thoughtful decision depending on your financial plans. Do not make a hasty decision based on any false information.
- Don't share confidential information
Do not share any personal or financial details of your existing policy/policies like premiums, fund value, policy number, benefits or your username, password, date of birth, credit or debit card number etc., on a call or with an unknown person. If required, confidential information should only be shared with the authorised insurance personnel.