Rakesh Wadhwa:
I think it's pretty reasonable that the idea is not to say that nobody will come to the office or just don't do the office. I think people will be working from home. So what measures as an organization that you're taking to ensure that the culture remains. You don't see that as a, as something to worry about?
Rajshree R:
That has been my personal number one goal or challenge, whichever word you want to use, in the last two months because a lot of our culture transmission happens very passively.
We just meet each other. We observe each other and cultural transmission happens very fast. From a marketing perspective, our entire focus of the last few months shifted big time towards internal communications and we of course continued to communicate externally, but it became extremely important for me to think about how are we really going to communicate with our associates.
There is a whole notion that you don't start sending commandments. So you don't say this role, that role, that policy, this policy, but how do you really create a sense of pride, create a sense of belonging and transmit values or create friends. So we've launched a lot of things, and I still think this is really very early stages right now, but I talked about the one TCS.
If you go and look up our blog post or our post via associates on any of the social media channel, you will find everybody hashtagging one TCS. We connected together on that concept of one TCS. We conducted a lot of events, events that are happening at the team level, events that are happening globally.
We, in fact, for one of our colleagues, a few weeks back, did a fancy-dress birthday party. So we all dressed up in fancy dresses and we came online for the event. We had huge number of town halls now. Earlier town hall used to be a big event. We used to set up the stage. A town hall used to be a major activity. You would get people, you rehearsed questions. Now, townhalls can happen at any time. We have a very powerful collaboration platform where we can set up meetings and interactions very, very quickly.
The accessibility to the leadership team and accessibility to each other has significantly gone up in the last two months. I personally feel as connected as I felt in the physical world as well to associates, but I think we've not completely figured it out.
Every day we are trying to figure this out more and more through the concept that I talked about, the ambient awareness concept.
How do we push information? So today we have something called the Ultimatics app, which is something that every TCS employee has on their phone. We use that very actively to communicate with them. So even when you are telling people that don't come to work. We were communicating a lot of things to them during that whole pandemic period. We continue to do that. We are using every playbook that we can to make sure that transmission happens. But of course, when we go back to offices, the role of the physical interaction continues to be very important, but we are. It would be physical, digital. So how do you really mesh physical-digital? Like you look at shopping, you go online and then go to the store. It is probably very similar to that, right? So your workplaces will also be physical, digital experiences. So we've done a lot. It's been a big focus for me, but I think we have lots more to do.