Rakesh Wadhwa:

What is that one or two piece of advice that you want to give to our viewers who are working in the corporate who have ambitions to grow in their career? Probably let's say mid level. From your experience as a top notch corporate and as an entrepreneur?


Rajeev Karwal:

So a couple of things remember that the moment you are on the wrong side of forties, companies start to look at you in a different way. And there are always youngsters more well-read more contemporary who are willing to take the position which you are in like you took somebody’s position when you were rising. So it is very important to keep yourself relevant by continuously investing in your knowledge, in your skills and never giving up doing the world through your own hands and not losing touch with the reality on the ground. This is very important to have longevity. And being able to compete with the new people. So if today Federer has to survive or play in the next couple of years or if Dhoni has to survive in the IPL for in the next couple of years he has to invest in his body and skills.

The second aspect is wherever you are work as if it is your own organization. Whether you are an entrepreneur or whether you are in the corporate world. Skillsets many will have, knowledge base also many will have but what companies are looking for or what converts or snatches victory from the jaws of defeat is the sense of ownership. For your organization be it your own or for your employers if you can have that ownership mindset. And that is getting more and more limited because of the pressures on all individuals. Till the time you are there, in that organization in a particular position own it completely. And take it to the logical conclusion like a true professional. And you will never have a reverse in your life.