keeping your kids safe online

We all know the internet can be a fantastic tool to help your kids learn and play, but it does come with its risks. Considering school closures to tackle COVID-19, you'll more often than not find kids online than offline. Luckily, there are a large number of internet safety precautions you can take to keep your kids safe (and happy!) online.



1.Tackle cyber bullying 

Most of our children's presence on social media sites will be positive and fun. Occasionally, however, things may turn ugly. Some tell-tale signs of cyberbullying include emotional outbursts after time spent online and withdrawal from activities they usually enjoy. If you suspect there is something going on, talk to your child about what may be happening and listen. Record all incidents and report individuals to the websites they use, as well as your child's school. 



2.Identify "stranger danger"

Social media provides a wonderful opportunity for children to connect with others. But do they understand the dangers of the internet and the risks of communicating with strangers online? Monitor your child's presence on social media so that they don't fall prey to anti-social elements. Tell your children to delete any "friend" or "follow" requests from strangers and never give out any personal information, such as their full name, address, or age. And make sure your child understands that they should never meet in person with strangers from the internet.



3.Ensure safe internet use

Your kids are increasingly living in an online world—but they shouldn't be giving away too many details about themselves. Follow the internet safety tips for children by the UNICEF that suggests securing passwords and routinely log out of devices (or at least making sure they aren't lying around unattended). Your child should also understand how privacy settings work on social networks and ensure they are at maximum levels.  



4. Maintain financial security

Scammers can pose a big threat to vulnerable internet users. Educate your children on online safety precautions like never opening any unknown messages or clicking on spam links. Let them know that these may contain "Trojan Horse" viruses that are designed to steal personal data. Web-savvy kids should know not to give out any financial details or make any online transactions without seeking parental permission first.



5. Internet safety lock

Finally, there's one way you can increase online safety for children - by encouraging them to spend more time offline! Set boundaries for internet use at home (e.g. no phones at the dinner table) and banish all devices from your child's room after a certain time in the evening. At the very least, it will improve their sleeping habits! Click here for 10 screen-free activities that you can indulge in with your child.

Another way to ensure the safety of your kids is to secure their financial future. Through Future Generali Assured education plan you can save systematically until your child turns 17 years for his/her graduation or post-graduation college fees. Through this plan your child's education is secured even in case of an unfortunate event in your life. Additionally, you may be eligible for Tax benefits as per prevailing tax laws.

Do you want to secure the financial future of your child but not sure if this plan is a good fit for you? Click here to get in touch with our financial advisor who will help you take the right decision.